A career in interim management takes more than a track record of delivery at senior level. You will need to transfer your own professional experience and skills with a set of important attributes, which aren’t necessarily unique to a role as an interim manager but are essential if you want to establish a successful career in the role of Senior Interim Consultant.
Could you become a Senior HR Interim Consultant?
Interim managers are focused on delivering results with long-term benefits and are paid on the understanding that goals and objectives will be achieved.
To be a successful interim HR Executive you’ll need to learn to blank out the noise and focus on the outcomes that you’ve pledged to achieve in order to deliver the success of your assignment.
Please note that not all our open HR positions will be published, hence some of the assignments we are undertaking are confidential. If you want to bring yourself forward and make sure you have our attention, then please share your CV etc. with us.
We always utilize our vast network extensively and we would love to connect with you on LinkedIn. You can find links to our LinkedIn Profiles by visiting the menu bar – About us.
We would also recommend that you follow our Company Pages on LinkedIn and Facebook. By following our Company pages, you will receive notifications on the current open positions we are working on, and you will be updated on the latest trends within HR etc.
Nordic HR People HQ
Otto Brandenburgs Vej 68
Copenhagen SV
Zip Code 2450
CVR nr.: 43479385