Our in-depth insight allows us to meticulously evaluate candidates’ fitness, both objectively and subjectively for your organization. The blend of specific candidate market mapping, proactive attraction and assessment enables Nordic HR People Staff to provide HR Professionals at all levels who can help drive your HR business and fulfil your aims and objectives.
Our consultants have a robust generalist and specialist knowledge of the HR industry and a comprehensive understanding of all functions.
The combination of competent consultants with extensive business understanding, an HR-relevant track record and proven, well-documented processes results in a high success rate.
Our process includes the management and content of interviews; 1st stage, 2nd stage meetings and beyond to make sure we have the most suitable candidate for your company.
We offer our clients access to their entire candidate pipeline with innovative real-time platform service. Furthermore, through our innovative systems, we are able to manage the entire process of all assignments from inception through to completion. We support our clients right through the entire employment journey and ensure the right candidates help make the largest impact for our clients.
Every assignment is based upon a tailor-made process taking your particulars in mind. The only way we can meet your expectations is by reframing with off-the-rack services and by truly understanding your challenges and DNA.
If you are looking for an off-the-rack process and provider – then we are not your ideal partner.
We are always open for an initial and confidential dialogue to assess whether we are your ideal partner for your assignment or not.
Nordic HR People HQ
Otto Brandenburgs Vej 68
Copenhagen SV
Zip Code 2450
CVR nr.: 43479385